We had such a good time at Renegade Craft Fair! It was just the best. Custom Made really went down a storm, we sold lots of stuff, had wholesale orders and enquires and just met loads of lovely people! My brilliant helper (Anthony) was a great help, selling, tidying, getting food and drinks and change and generally chatting with customers! It was such an amazing sight, all the little tents with all the people. It was rammed both days.
Oh and if you are in Chicago and shop at Renegade Handmade, I dropped new stock off there too on Monday. If you have never been there, you should go cos its the nicest shop EVER!!!!
I also bought some very lovely things (between serving customers etc etc!!) My fave thing was a super duper scarf from Smitten Kitten It says "I heart winter on one side and "bah humbug" on the other! It also has two very cute kittens on it! I bought lots of lovely things from Craftpaca Her stuff is so fantastic, and some lovely mirrors from My Favourite Mirror I bought them as gifts but I dont want to give them away!!! I bought the one below for my friend as she has a ginger cat called Dave.

Anna, Custom Made
Hi Anna,
Such a great job!!
I just got a little raccoon in the mail from Craftpaca!
i bought three owls and a foxy fella as present....i managed to ge the last three little owls then they were sold out!!!
Hi Mabel!
I hope all is well in Hong Kong!
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