Anyway what seems like ages ago now a very nice lady called Victoria asked me to contribute a craft project to a book she was editing. I met Victoria at a craft fair at the Here Gallery in Bristol organised by Camilla another very nice lady. The book is called Making Stuff For Kids and it features lots of projects to make with or for your kids. I guess there is a clue in the title? Anyway time flies and the book is out very soon. I reckon any parent worth their salt should get one of these. I wouldnt be who I am today if I hadnt spent many a day making stuff with my Mum. So you should all go out and get one right?
The book is available for pre-order on Amazon and you can read all about it HERE so get ordering and you can see the rather cute thing I have created for you to create!
Anna, Custom Made
looking forward to seeing the book- I ended up being the contributor from hell for poor old Victoria, but i'm sure the rest of the book will be amazing.
Oh yeah....did you get your worms sorted?
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