Friday, June 04, 2010

Exciting things in the works...

(Pic: Lee May Foster)

Congratulations to Lee May over at Bonbi Forest...she just got married. Go over to her blog to see some lovely pics.
Amongst the wedding prep madness she managed to do some lovely lovely printing which will be part of a collaboration we are working on. Here is a photo she took in her studio of some of the work....
All will be revealed later on. I have some of the printed fabric at CM HQ now, its made the 250-ish miles trip and is ready for action next week. I keep looking at it and getting more and more ideas...

Wish me luck!

Anna, CM


Laura said...

wow cant wait to see what you guys come up with!


Lee May Foster-Wilson said...

Yay! I'm looking forward to seeing it stitched into some Custom Made wonders!!

Anna, Custom Made said...

Hope you didnt mind me nicking your lovely pic!


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